Programs & Activities
We provide or facilitate a wide variety of programs, workshops and activities throughout the year. All of our programs and activities promote the unique lived experience and expertise of patients and community members, which enriches the university education of health and human service students.

Where’s the Patient’s Voice in Health Professional Education 20 Years on?
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Patient & Community Voices Workshops and Events
Patient educators and community members lead workshops for students on health care topics.

Bringing patients and society back into the social accountability of a medical school
This project will help UBC and other Canadian medical schools to engage directly with members of the public and patients.

Combating ableism in health care
This project will bring together faculty, students, and people recovering from head and other physical injuries, as well as other types of disability to co-develop learning resources for students.

Aboriginal Summer Camps
Health and human service professional students learn cultural safety from an Aboriginal community.

International Public & Patient Involvement in Interprofessional Education of Health Care Undergraduate Students
Learn more
Health Mentors Program
UBC health professional students learn from patient educators (health mentors) in a longitudinal interprofessional program.

Living Library
A video library of real patients and caregivers talking about their health care experiences to illustrate important topics in health professional education.

Health Advocacy
Resources to teach students a broad understanding of health advocacy co-created with community members, individual patients/caregivers.

Consultation on the Priority Health Concerns in British Columbia
A report and video from a public consultation on the priority health concerns in British Columbia.

Learning Resources
An online database of over 65 learning resources recommended by patients and community organizations and evaluated by students.

Consulting Activities
We help faculty and students to design their own learning activities that involve patients.