Patient Advisors Added to UBC Health Committees

In 2023 we will have new patient and community partners serving on committees across UBC Health.
Sue Macdonald will join Darren Lauscher as a public member on the UBC Health Council which advises on issues affecting health professional education and research, including the inclusion of the patient’s voice and community engagement activities. Sue coordinates Consumer Involvement and Initiatives for Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and has been a long time advocate of patient and family engagement in health care and health professional education. Sue will begin a three year term on Health Council in the new year.
Sue Macdonald and Anja Lanz will join the UBC Health Patient & Community Advisory Committee (PAC), a standing committee of UBC Health. Anja was a recipient of the 2022 R. Paul Kerston Community Educator Award and has been involved with the UBC Health Mentors program for the past 10 years. Anja serves on numerous healthcare committees locally, provincially, and nationally. She believes diverse views in healthcare are needed and that patient voices bring a much-needed pillar to healthcare discussions and to the educational institutions she serves. Sue and Anja will begin their three year terms beginning January 1st, 2023.
Anja Lanz and Carolyn Canfield will join the newly created Gateway Clinic Oversight Committee which will oversee the development of a new interprofessional primary care teaching clinic that will provide practice education in team-based primary care on campus. Carolyn is a past public member on Health Council, teaches patient safety in the undergraduate medical program and School of Nursing, and is a member of the Admissions sub-Committee in the Department of Medicine. Her volunteer work earned her recognition as Canada’s first Patient Safety Champion and appointment as adjunct professor in the Faculty of Medicine.
Lelainia Lloyd joined the UBC Health Awards Committee which adjudicates scholarships and awards managed by UBC Health. The role was previously held by Jory Mitchell, a long-time Health Mentor, who served from 2020-22. Lelainia is a past recipient of the R. Paul Kerston Community Educator Award and has been a UBC Health Mentor for over 10 years. Lelainia began a two year term in December.
Welcome and thank you for your continued service to UBC Health!