Our Recent Workshops
Unmet Health Care Needs: The impacts of poorly understood complex chronic diseases
Some disabilities are invisible. In this workshop students from different health programs will learn about…
Mental Health: Empathy and Compassion
The 2021-22 Patient & Community Voices Workshop Series kicks off with a workshop in partnership…
Lived Experience of Substance Use and Recovery
Presented in partnership with the BC Centre for Substance Use (BCCSU) and Patient and Community…
Save the Date: Health Mentors Symposium March 29th
The 10th Anniversary Health Mentors Symposium is March 29th, 5:30-7:30pm!
Allies in Health: Connecting with Communities
This workshop is an opportunity for students from different health programs to connect with community…
A Space to Thrive: Enhancing Healthcare for Teenage Girls who Live in Poverty
Improving health care experiences for young women and ways to reduce barriers individually and collectively…
The Caregiver’s Journey: Heartbreak and Love
Students are introduced to the successes and challenges of being a family caregiver for a…
Health Mentor Support Meeting
Jan 26, 6-7:30pm - A zoom meeting for mentors to learn from one another and…