Conference: International Congress on Academic Medicine

In April, we gave several presentations and workshops at the International Congress on Academic Medicine in Vancouver. The conference brought 1,500 delegates from the academic medicine community to meet, network with, and develop new relationships and collaborations with colleagues from around the world. There was a good turnout of patients, including Health Mentor Angus Pratt sporting his familiar red touque and white ribbon.
Carolyn Canfield, Karen Firus, and Darren Lauscher shared their patient experiences and helped facilitate a workshop about engaging patients in medical education. Cathy presented outcomes from our international collaboration to pilot a Health Mentors program at Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health in Brazil.
We also delivered a workshop with our colleagues from the Centre of Excellence for Partnership with Patients and the Public at the University of Montreal. The workshop highlighted results from our national survey of patient involvement in health professional education and engaged participants in a discussion of how to advance patient involvement in their home institutions. From the survey and the workshop, 64 people from 14 institutions have expressed interest in forming a network. Stay tuned!