Annual Report: Facts and figures about our work in 2022-23

Over the 2022-23 academic year Patient & Community Partnership for Education (PCPE) supported 8 requests from UBC instructors for 40+ patient and community partners who were involved in 80+ hours of teaching and learning for over 2,400+ students. Read the Learning from Patients report…
In addition, 144 students and 45 mentors completed the Health Mentors program for a total of 1,947 students and 230 mentors who have participated since the program began in 2011. We also helped launch a pilot program at Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health in Brazil with 16 students and 5 mentors. Read the Health Mentors Program report…
We also offered 10 Patient & Community Voices (PCV) workshops facilitated by 38 patient and community partners that were attended by 164 students from 16 programs. Read the PCV Workshop report…
We added 7 videos to the Living Library collection bringing the total number of videos to 29. Four of the new videos were made by occupational therapy students who worked with a Health Mentor as part of a new pilot program to make experiences like the Health Mentors program accessible to more students. Read the Living Library report…
We also completed a research project to co-create with patients and the public a set of evidence-based guiding principles, models and processes for the authentic, responsive, ongoing and sustainable engagement of patients and the public in the mission, goals, curriculum and delivery of medical education. Key findings are available online, including 8 Guiding Principles for engaging patient and the public in health professional education and 10 recommendations to help medical and other health professional schools fulfill their mandate for social accountability by involving patients / the public. Two manuscripts have been submitted for publication. Read the project reports…
This work would not be possible without the many patient and community partners who believe, as we do, that education makes a difference. We are grateful for the time and expertise they give to shaping the hearts and minds of the next generation of health professionals.