Recent News & Updates

New Campaign: Empowering Patient Voices in Health Professional Education
At UBC Health, we believe that when the patient is acknowledged as a key partner and decision-maker in health, health…

Health Mentors Program: Kicks off its 13th year!
On September 25th, the 13th cohort of the Health Mentors program was launched with an orientation at the Croatian Cultural…

Annual Report: Facts and figures about our work in 2022-23
Over the 2022-23 academic year Patient & Community Partnership for Education (PCPE) supported 8 requests from UBC instructors for 40+ patient and community partners who were…

Conference: Partnering in Research
On June 15th, the UBC Knowledge Exchange Unit and UBC Community Engagement hosted an inaugural Partnering in Research conference which…

New Project: Combating Ableism in health care
PCPE is pleased to announce that we have been awarded funding from the Cedar Lodge Endowment for a project to…

Appointment: Dr. Maria Hubinette as Inaugural Canfield Distinguished Scholar in Patient Partnerships
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Maria Hubinette as the inaugural Canfield Distinguished Scholar in Patient Partnerships at UBC for…

New Publication: When I say…the patient voice
Angela Towle, Carolyn Canfield, and Darren Lauscher are co-authors of a new publication with our colleague in Australia, Jill Thistlethwaite.…

UBC Health Awards: Jory Mitchell receives Kerston Community Educator Award
On March 27th, Jory Mitchell was presented with the R. Paul Kerston Community Educator Award for patient and community educators who have made…

Health Mentors Program: Goes to Brazil!
Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health in Salvador, Brazil is building a Health Mentors program based on UBC’s model. Following a…

Patient Advisors Added to UBC Health Committees
In 2023 we will have new patient and community partners serving on committees across UBC Health.Sue Macdonald will join Darren Lauscher…