Recent News & Updates

Student Research Project: Understanding the Experience of Persons Living with Mental Illness
My name is Patience Emanuel. I’m a first-year UBC medical student conducting research under the supervision of Dr. Angela Towle…

New Living Library Video: ‘We are much more than our diagnosis’
My name is Sara Mohamed, and I’m part of the MD class of 2027. For my FLEX project, I wanted…

Save the Date: 3rd International Conference Where’s the Patient’s Voice in Health Professional Education? Nov 12-15, 2025
It’s been 20 years since the 1st conference in 2005 started an international and interdisciplinary movement to embed the patient’s…

New Publication: Guiding Principles for Patient and Public Engagement
We recently published a set of guiding principles for patient engagement in health professional education. The principles were co-created with…

Conference: International Congress on Academic Medicine
In April, we gave several presentations and workshops at the International Congress on Academic Medicine in Vancouver. The conference brought…

Kerston Community Educator Award Announced: Karen Firus and Eve Sheftel!
The UBC Health Awards Committee has announced the recipients of the 2023 R. Paul Kerston award for outstanding community educators who…

Workshop: Mental Wellness Mental Health Way of Life
In partnership with the Richmond Mental Health Consumer and Friends Society, the Patient and Community Voices Workshop series presented Mental…

Annual Symposia: Learning from Health Mentors in-person and virtually
In-person Health Mentors Program The UBC Interprofessional Health Mentors Program (HMP) held its 13th Annual Health Mentors Symposium on April…

Research Project: Virtual Clinical Education Informed by Patient Experiences
On 11 March, patient partners, including nine health mentors, attended a celebration to mark the completion of the Virtual Clinical…

Latest Projects: Health Mentors Teach Pharmacy Students about HIV
Earlier this month, Health Mentors, Darren, Al, and John were invited to share their patient journey with 3rd year pharmacy students…